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Hadnall CofE Primary School

Welcome to Class 2

Year 1 and 2: Miss Evans and Mrs Yale 

Termly overviews outline the content that will be covered each half-term, please see below links for the most recent overviews: 

Autumn 1 Curriculum Map

Welcome to Class 2!

A very warm welcome to Class 2.

Your teachers are:

Mrs Yale (Mon)

Miss Evans (Tues- Fri)

Class 2 is a vibrant year 1 and 2 classroom where curiosity is at the heart of every activity. Pupils are eager to explore new concepts and ideas through our broad and rich curriculum. The room frequently buzzes with the joy of discovery as the children engage in hands on learning that ignites their passion for exploration.  Outdoor learning is a foundation of our education, with frequent trips into our forest school and outdoor area, where students observe, question and interact with their environment, turning the world into their classroom. Shoulder buddy is our class mascot who helps children to become positive role models, sitting upon their shoulder when he spots our golden rules being followed.


In class 2, we encourage your child to read at home at least 4 times per week.

A new phonic book will go home every Wednesday where the current one is collected in and exchanged for a new one.

Please make sure your child brings in their reading folder (consisting of their reading book and diary) everyday as they will be reading with adults in school throughout the week.


Class 2 will have PE on a Tuesday and Friday this year.

Please ensure your child comes to school wearing PE kits on these days.

We are always happy to help and support so please don’t hesitate to come and speak to us if you have any questions throughout the year. 

Miss Evans and Mrs Yale