Hadnall Curriculum
At Hadnall Church of England Primary School we aim to provide a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum that ignites curiosity and a lifelong love of learning.
Our curriculum is underpinned by Christian Values and British Values - the values that are taught throughout the bible, where psalms and parables show us the way. Together with our RE and PSHE teaching, we take every opportunity to promote the fundamental British Values (outlined below) throughout school and this goes far beyond a display board.
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Our children are actively encouraged to have a voice and share their views and opinions regularly. Children can be elected to be on the School Council, Eco Group, Worship Group and we also have a wonderful team of House Captains and Kindness Ambassadors.
OfSTED (July 2019) stated that 'There is clear evidence in pupils' books and around the school of the range and quality of subjects being taught.' The curriculum has 'been designed with a particular focus on utilising the local area, as well as enabling pupils to have an understanding of life beyond Hadnall.'
Please see the Class pages tab for information regarding each class. There are half-termly overviews so that you can look at what your child is learning. If you require any further information please speak to your child's classteacher.
You can explore our curriculum gallery for a summary of how we teach each subject at Hadnall. Each section highlights the key areas of learning and the exciting opportunities we provide to support the growth and development of every child.
Please find below this term's curriculum maps:
Class 1 Curriculum Map Autumn 1
Class 2 Curriculum Map Autumn 1
Class 3 Curriculum Map Autumn 1Class 4 Curriculum Map Autumn 1
Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1025)
Hadnall Readers
Hadnall Readers
Learning to read is one of the most important things your child will learn at Hadnall. Reading is the heartbeat of our curriculum and we aim to teach children to become confident and competent readers. Our passionate and committed staff nurture a love of reading that starts from a child’s very first day at Hadnall. We want your child to love reading and to want to read for themselves - the benefits of this are endless. Reading boosts imagination, critical thinking, mental health, language skills and knowledge of the world. We recognise that reading for pleasure will encourage children to succeed both academically and socially.
We are proud of our reading environment at school and recognise that this can have a really big impact. All classrooms have engaging reading corners with accessible, high quality appropriate books.
To find our more about Hadnall's phonics programme: Little Wandle Letters and Sounds please click the link below
Hadnall Writers
Hadnall Writers
We believe that all pupils should be able to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions through their writing. We are passionate that pupils develop a wide vocabulary as well as an interest in and a love of words. We want pupils to secure a strong understanding of grammar and to be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patters and rules they learn throughout their time at Hadnall.
Writing is taught using the Literacy Company’s Pathways to Write methodology. This rich text-based approach provides children with the all important skills to become confident, successful and independent writers.
Hadnall Mathematicians
Hadnall Mathematicians
We aim for children to love maths and we strive to make it purposeful fun and practical. Our approach encourages the children to work collaboratively and to communicate their ideas clearly whilst being challenged to solve mathematical problems.
We use a variety of teaching methods and resources that allow all pupils equal access to mathematics and to experience success and enjoyment. Over time, children will become resilient learners who are able to accept that to struggle is necessary in their learning. Children will be appropriately challenged and supported through varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Irrespective of personal starting points, children will explore maths in depth and use a range of mathematical vocabulary to explain and reason. Pupils will persevere by building on previous knowledge and skills and apply these to a wide variety of contexts both within maths and across the curriculum. They will appreciate the relevance of maths in real life situations, recognising that it is not simple ‘calculations’ and ‘rules’.
We implement our approach through high quality teaching and the delivery of appropriately pitched work for all groups of learners underpinned by our spiral curriculum and resources from ‘White Rose Maths’.
Pupils in the Early Years Foundation Stage will access their maths through continuous provision. Mathematical concepts are introduced and built upon through a series of direct teaching sessions. Within the provision, children have the freedom to further explore these mathematical concepts through concrete resources and creative opportunities. In addition to this, they are encouraged to follow their own mathematical lines of enquiry, which are supported through effective adult modelling and interactions.
Layered success criteria, in Y1 through to Y6, are used to encourage and support children’s development and metacognition and to motivate them to challenge themselves within a concept. maths lessons are underpinned by the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach. Each classroom has a range of mathematical resources made available for the children to self-select. These include, but are not limited to diennes, place value counters, number lines and hundred squares. Varied starting points and timely teacher interventions are utilised in response to teacher’s ongoing formative assessments through effective deployment of teaching assistants. Some children with SEND may receive a tailored programme of maths teaching in order to close their gaps.
Ongoing formative assessment takes place within each maths lesson. This includes teacher observations, questioning, discussions and marking and feedback. These outcomes are fed forward into timely intervention and subsequent planning to ensure gaps in knowledge are closed and progress is not limited.
End of unit assessments are used to support teacher assessments, and Rising Star and PUMA assessments are used to track progress and identify knowledge that has not been well retained. Outcomes from both end of unit and formal assessments are used to identify gaps in knowledge and inform future planning. Pupil progress meetings will also identify precise actions and objectives for targeted focus children, including the lowest 20% who are not likely to meet the end of year expectations and/or not making expected progress.
We recognise that quality first teaching in maths is the essential first step in improving outcomes for all children. With this in mind, we ensure that teachers and teaching assistants are kept up to date on the latest initiatives and news. This is through continuous professional development by outside providers; the school work closely with Kate Burton Consulting. The maths subject leader/Deputy attend Termly Updates and feedback relevant information to staff through staff meetings and briefings. In response to monitoring, evaluating and review outcomes, staff with a developing subject knowledge and pedagogy will be supported through the school’s coaching and mentoring programme.
Hadnall Scientists
Hadnall Scientists
Through building up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts, pupils should be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Children are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes.
Our children will be encouraged to challenge and question ideas and theories covered in the curriculums scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding, developing their critical thinking skills.
Hadnall Linguists
Hadnall Linguists
Learning a language is exciting and allows new avenues of communication and exploration together with promoting a broader cultural understanding. Children are encouraged to engage with Hadnall’s MFL curriculum through songs, role play, games and stories. Our approach encourages respectful, responsible citizens who appreciate how others live.
Hadnall Artists and Designers
Hadnall Artists and Designers
Our commitment to art allows children with a wide range of abilities and needs to connect creatively and emotionally. This in turn supports children to progress personally and academically.
Children are encouraged to use a wide variety of tools and materials for drawing, painting and creating imaginative and observational three dimensional work. As well as developing their own unique style, they look at the work of other artist and explore the use of their techniques and media.
Design and Technology is a vital component of our curriculum. Not only does it give children the opportunity to develop design and construction skills but it also draws on and enhances learning in other areas of the curriculum and develops problem-solving skills.
Hadnall Geographers
Hadnall Geographers
We aim to inspire in pupils a true curiosity and wonder about the world and its people. We want Hadnall pupils to embrace this fascination so that they can take an active part in protecting, loving and caring for our world long after they have left Hadnall.
Though our geography curriculum, we develop enthusiastic, curious and independent thinkers. We create opportunities for children to develop their ability to read and interpret maps and geographical information showing different representations and reflecting on ways which they can impact their world for the better.
Children learn about localities other than their own and explore the causes, differences and inequalities between places and social groups.
Hadnall Historians
Hadnall Historians
History can take the form of a tremendous story, a rolling narrative filled with great personalities and tales of turmoil and triumph. Each generation adds its own chapter to history while reinterpreting and finding new things in those chapters already written.
History provides us with a sense of identity. By understanding where we have come from, we can better understand who we are. History provides a sense of context for our lives. It helps us understand the way things are and how we might approach the future.
History teaches us what it means to be human, highlighting the great achievements and disastrous errors of the human race.
At Hadnall, our history curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to embed knowledge and skills about local, British and world history. Our curriculum is sequenced in chronological order to enable our pupils to study history as a whole school narrative. This allows our pupils to transfer new knowledge and build on what has previously been taught.
Hadnall Digital Citizens
Hadnall Digital Citizens
We aim to prepare the children to be lifelong learners and users of technology, where access to ICT resources is part of their everyday life. Children are given plentiful opportunity to engage in activities where they learn to use technology safely and to achieve given goals. Children engage with our computing curriculum through creating and inputing algorithms, by coding and creating their own games for others to play.
We develop enthusiastic, curious and independent thinkers and encourage our children to ask ‘what if’ questions and explore for different outcomes.
It is our aim for Hadnall pupils to become responsible citizens who are respectful of others and who know how to use technology safely. Children are taught how to report any e-safety concerns in the appropriate way.
Hadnall Musicians
Hadnall Musicians
Our music lessons aim to inspire pupils to develop a love of music and increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. We engage with The Shropshire Music Service and our music specialist delivers weekly lessons in each class. Children have the opportunity to learn the ukulele, the recorder and percussion instruments. Our children perform regularly through concerts, productions and talent shows.
The children also participate in weekly singing collective worship as a school family as well as learning and practising in individual classes.
Hadnall Athletes
Hadnall Athletes
Children are encouraged to engage with the PE curriculum through different sporting competitions, learning new and exciting sports and accessing a range of extra-curricular clubs including circuit training, cricket and tennis. Pupils are given the tools and skills to live happy and healthy lives and we frequently promote the link between physical activity and good mental health.
Our annual sports week is a highlight and the children are introduced to a wide range of sports including bowling at our local club. We take part in The Primary School Games hosted by our local Secondary School and this allows opportunities to compete in Tag Rugby, Dodgeball, Netball, Gymnastics and even a Mini Olympic Festival.
There are plentiful opportunities for children to develop their coaching and sportsmanship skills, whilst also showing respect for differences and abilities.
Hadnall Personal Development
Hadnall Personal Development
PSHE is an essential part of our curriculum which allows the children to develop into healthy, independent and responsible members of society who understand how they are growing both personally and socially. It provides a means of exploring, appreciating and understanding the world in which we live and encourages children to see how they can make a valuable contribution to the world.
Learning about ourselves, loving and accepting ourselves, are gifts. Valuing our uniqueness is as important as respecting, supporting and guiding others with theirs.
PSHE is interwoven through all aspects of learning at Hadnall – it is not just a one-off lesson. We build on the curriculum offered in all that we do. We are proud to create a learning and teaching environment that nurtures and develops the whole child in preparation to become well rounded citizens of the world.
Hadnall Theologians
Hadnall Theologians
Religious Education is taught in line with the Local Authority Agreed Syllabus (July 2019). This is supplemented by materials to support our distinctive Christians Ethos from the Diocese of Lichfield and we provide a rich and varied curriculum. Our approach is coherent, sequential and balanced offering theology, philosophy and social science. We aim to develop a broad understanding on Christianity as a diverse, global, living faith and we explore the faith of others with a deep respect for the integrity of other religious traditions.
Hadnall Forest
Hadnall Forest
“Forest School is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning.”
The philosophy of Forest Schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences.
By participating in engaging, motivating and achievable tasks and activities in a woodland environment, the children are given opportunities to develop intrinsic motivation along with sound emotional and social skills. These, through self awareness can be developed to reach personal potential.
Forest Schools has demonstrated success with children of all ages who visit the same local woodlands on a regular basis and through play, who have the opportunity to learn about the natural environment, how to handle risks and most importantly to use their own initiative to solve problems and co-operate with others. Children use full sized tools, play, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, establish and grow in confidence, self-esteem and become self-motivated.
Forest Schools will aim to develop:
- Self Awareness
- Self Regulation
- Intrinsic motivation
- Empathy
- Good social communication skills
- Independence
- A positive mental attitude, self-esteem and confidence
(taken from: Forest Schools Education).
At Hadnall children across school have opportunities for Forest School throughout the year. A highlight being the special sessions for our Reception and Year 6 Buddies.
Mrs Costelloe and Mrs Bebb are both trained Forest School leaders.