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Hadnall CofE Primary School




When teaching mathematics at Hadnall C of E Primary School, we intend to use a variety of teaching methods and resources that allow all pupils equal access to mathematics and to experience success and enjoyment.  Over time, children will become resilient learners who are able to accept that to struggle is necessary in their learning.  Children will be appropriately challenged and supported through varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving.  Irrespective of personal starting points, children will explore maths in depth, and use a range of mathematical vocabulary to explain and reason.  Pupils will persevere by building on previous knowledge and skills, and apply these to a wide variety of contexts both within maths and across the curriculum.  They will appreciate the relevance of maths in real life situations, recognising that it is not simple ‘sums’ and ‘rules’. 



We implement our approach through high quality teaching and the delivery of appropriately pitched work for all groups of learners supported by the planning from ‘Hadnall's Spiral Medium Term Planning’ and resources from ‘White Rose Maths’. 

Pupils in the Early Years Foundation Stage will access their maths through continuous provision.  Mathematical concepts are introduced and built upon through a series of direct teaching sessions. Within the provision, children have the freedom to further explore these mathematical concepts through concrete resources and creative opportunities.  In addition to this, they are encouraged to follow their own mathematical lines of enquiry, which are supported through effective adult modelling and interactions. 

Layered success criteria, in Y1 through to Y6, are used to encourage and support children’s development and metacognition and to motivate them to challenge themselves within a concept.  maths lessons are underpinned by the concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach.  Each classroom has a range of mathematical resources made available for the children to self-select.  These include, but are not limited to diennes, place value counters, number lines and hundred squares.   Varied starting points and timely teacher interventions are utilised in response to teacher’s ongoing formative assessments through effective deployment of teaching assistants.  Some children with SEND may receive a tailored programme of maths teaching in order to close their gaps. 



Ongoing formative assessment takes place within each maths lesson.   This includes teacher observations, questioning, discussions and marking and feedback.  These outcomes are fed forward into timely intervention and subsequent planning to ensure gaps in knowledge are closed and progress is not limited. 

End of unit assessments are used to support teacher assessments, and Rising Star and PUMA assessments are used to track progress and identify knowledge that has not been well retained.  Outcomes from both end of unit and formal assessments are used to identify gaps in knowledge and inform future planning.  Pupil progress meetings will also identify precise actions and objectives for targeted focus children, including the lowest 20% who are not likely to meet the end of year expectations and/or not making expected progress. 

We recognise that quality first teaching in maths is the essential first step in improving outcomes for all children.  With this in mind, we ensure that teachers and teaching assistants are kept up to date on the latest initiatives and news.  This is through continuous professional development by outside providers; the school work closely with Kate Burton Consulting.  The maths subject leader/Deputy attend Termly Updates and feedback relevant information to staff through staff meetings and briefings.  In response to monitoring, evaluating and review outcomes, staff with a developing subject knowledge and pedagogy will be supported through the school’s coaching and mentoring programme.