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Hadnall CofE Primary School


Wraparound Care and Clubs

Sunrise and Sunset Club

At Hadnall Church of England Primary School we have Sunrise and Sunset Club for wraparound care for all children from Reception to Year 6.  Both of these take place in the Blue Room which can be accessed by the gate in the school car park.  Children are offered a range of activities including use of laptops, games, art and craft, construction and outdoor play.  

Sunrise Club  

Arrival from 8.00am including a breakfast

Arrival after 8.30am 

no breakfast

£4.00 per session £1.00 per session

Sunset Club

From 3.15pm until 4.30pm

From 3.15pm to 6.00pm

From 4.30pm - 6.00pm


£4.00 per session £12.00 per session £6.00 per session


ActivSports Monday 3.15pm - 4.15pm, £5.50 per session ActivSports
Drama Club Wednesday 3.15pm - 4.30pm, £5.50 per session Miss Shaw and Mrs Blocksidge
Wildplay Thursday 3.15pm - 4.30pm, £5.50 per session Shropshire WildlifeTrust

Teaching staff are also on the premises during the clubs opening hours. A First Aider will is available during this time.

Please contact the School Office if you would like to book a place and they will also explain payment for the clubs. 

Sunrise and Sunset Club Policy