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Hadnall CofE Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant provides additional funding for children who have been eligible for free school meals in any of the previous six years, as well as those currently eligible. It also provides a smaller amount of funding for children who have been eligible for the service child premium at any point in the last three years.

 All schools are required to report on the amount of funding and how this is being used.

The Governing Body of Hadnall CofE Primary School have decided that this grant will be most effectively spent on supporting children’s learning in the classroom by providing high quality first teaching, curriculum support, targeted intervention, engagement and enrichment activities and social skills development and support.

 As with all children at Hadnall, to ensure maximum impact the needs of children entitled to the Pupil Premium are clearly identified, steps are taken to meet their individual needs and their progress is closely monitored through school. Where small group / 1:1 support is felt to be most beneficial Pupil Premium will be used to support this provision.

At Hadnall we want all children to be supported and achieve.

The plans below detail the amount of Pupil Premium the school receives, the main barriers to achievement and how the funding will be allocated within the school.  The Premium Plan is reviewed each term by Governors and the plan updated. 

Achievement of pupils is measured in different ways according to the barriers and support provided, e.g. levels of academic attainment will be tracked, initial assessments of need and end of program assessments measured to judge impact.  

Pupil Premium Plan 22-23

Pupil Premium Review 21-22

Pupil Premium Plan 21-22

Pupil Premium Review 20-21

Pupil Premium Plan 20-21

Pupil Premium Review 19-20

Pupil Premium Plan 19-20