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Hadnall CofE Primary School

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Good SEN practice is at the heart of Hadnall Primary school where we meet the needs of individual pupils by listening to pupils and their families and responding to their needs and ensuring plans are in place to fulfil their aspirations for the future.

The SEN Code of Practice 2014 requires every school to place the child and their family at the centre of their SEN policy and practice to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.

Hadnall endeavours to work with pupils and parents to identify and remove barriers to learning to enable the needs of pupils with SEN to be met in a mainstream setting, wherever possible, where families want this to happen.

We aim to help all children develop as responsible, caring people; aware of the needs of others and of their role in society as a whole.

Mrs Finola Jackson, Headteacher and SENCo. 

To discuss any concerns please contact the SENCo via the school office at admin@hadnall.shropshire.sch.uk


A message from our Special Educational Needs Governor Mrs S Collins

As the school’s Governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs, I meet with the SENCo on a regular basis to discuss matters relating to Special Needs. I am, therefore, familiar with the processes in place within the school, and the numbers of children on the Special Needs register.

Through government published information, I am aware that the children on the Special Needs register at Hadnall School are making the progress that they should, as a result of the adaptations and interventions put in place for them.

I visit the school regularly and have observed some of the work carried out with children with Special Needs. I know the staff at the school have the interests of all the children constantly in mind and this is especially true for those with different or additional needs.

Contact us:

If you have any questions, concerns or compliments about our provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs, the first point of contact should be the child’s class teacher who will be happy to discuss your child’s needs with you. An appointment with the SENCO/Headteacher can also be arranged by contacting the school.

Please see the link below to the SEN Policy and Information report:

Hadnall SEN Policy and Information Report


Please see our SEN Support leaflet which explains how children are supported within school.

SEN Support Leaflet