Leave in Term Time
Absence during Term-Time
When a child is not able to attend school (e.g. due to illness) it is essential that parents/carers telephone the school office to make them aware of the absence and reason. This is to ensure that we know all children are accounted for and safe.
Holidays during Term-Time
Headteachers are now only allowed to authorise any leave of absence when an application has been made in advance and for exceptional circumstances. Forms are available outside reception or on the school website.
Please note: The annual family holiday will not be deemed an exceptional circumstance.
The following guidance has been provided to schools in respect of exceptional circumstances:
- It is highly unlikely that the event will occur again in a child’s school life.
- It is necessary for the child to be in attendance at the event.
- The event cannot be organised outside the school term.
- The event is necessary to the health and wellbeing of the child.
- Taking part in the event will be of greater value to the child than attending school.
- The child will not be disadvantaged by not being in school for the period of the event.
- To be part of family centred religious observance.
Please complete the form below and return to the school office.