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Hadnall CofE Primary School

Welcome from the Headteacher

 ‘Encourage one another and build each other up’ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I feel exceptionally proud to be the Headteacher of Hadnall Church of England Primary School where children flourish and succeed.  I am passionate about working in partnership with our staff, parents, governors and the local church, St Mary Magdalene. 

The children in our school family are our number one priority and each child is unique, precious and valued. We support all children to be interested, outward-looking, kind, motivated and exceptionally well behaved. We prioritise joy, opportunity and optimism through a curriculum that ignites curiosity and a lifelong love of learning.

When I was lucky enough to be appointed, I felt warmth and dedication from the whole school community and this has continued to grow. When you visit our school you will see and feel this as you soak in the learning environment and our church school ethos. Our Christian character underpins and drives all aspects of school life and we strive to develop a love of one another, a love of learning and a love of life itself.

There is a wealth of experience, energy and skill amongst the teaching staff who are known for their dedication and deep care for the children.  We are strong believers in the power of hands on experience and the children benefit from Hadnall’s vibrant setting and extensive outdoor space. We actively give Hadnall pupils opportunities to become not only socially and spiritually aware but compassionate and fulfilled individuals – true global citizens of the future!

I very much look forward to welcoming you and your children to our wonderful school.

Please contact Mrs Turner or Mrs Rawlinson-Smith in the School Office on 01939 210 323 to arrange a visit. 

Mrs Finola Jackson
