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Hadnall CofE Primary School

Welcome to Class 4

Year 5 and 6: Mr Wilmot

Termly overviews outline the content that will be covered each half-term, please see below links for the most recent overviews.

Class 4 Spring 1 Curriculum Map 2024

Class 4 Spring 2 Curriculum Map 2024

A Quick Guide to Class 4

Welcome back and I do hope you had a relaxing and memorable holiday.  We return for what will be the final year for some children and the penultimate year for others.  The weather is going to be very hot this week so please ensure your child has sunblock, lots of drink and a refillable drinks container.

Some children return to Class 4 and for some it will be new.  This guide is to remind or inform depending on your child’s experience of Class 4.
Please see the termly overview for the content we will deliver this half term.

Reading – we read in school, usually twice weekly in a group reading environment.  It is imperative the children read at home too and I recommend they read at least an hour a week.  They will come home with a Reading Diary – please check it periodically and sign it to confirm the reading your child is doing at home.  We have a good library within class so your child should find a book of interest.  I really want children in Class 4 to read for pleasure and as a result they have quite a choice of books – if a book is too hard please ask your child to swap it for a book that is more accessible.  Your child should bring their reading book and Reading Diary into school each day.

Spellings – spellings are set weekly and your child will practise them in school.  They will use the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ approach they then write the word in context and define what the word means.  The spellings will come from the statutory spelling list or follow a particular spelling pattern.  Your child will also come home with a practise sheet, please encourage them to practise daily.  The spelling test is usually conducted on a Monday prior to the new spellings going out on the Tuesday.

Homework - homework is given on a Friday and it will either be English, maths or topic based.  The homework should be handed in during the following week, the deadline for hand in is Thursday.  The Year 6s will get more homework in the Spring term as we approach SATs – it is revision based and has proven to be very helpful to previous children in the class.  If your child struggles with their homework they can ask myself, Miss Shaw or Mrs Blocksidge and we will be happy to help.

PE – we have PE on a Tuesday and Friday this year.  In early Autumn we are going swimming this will replace the teacher-led PE session and that will be on a Friday and last for most of the first half term.  As per last year, could children come into school in their PE kit on the dates the class do PE.  On occasion, we may need to change the date of PE, if this is the case, I will ensure we send a message out to inform.  No jewellery please and long hair should be tied back.

Pencil cases – I will supply all the stationary your child needs so they won’t need to bring resources in from home.

The year will go really quickly; it always does.  If you have any queries, please catch me at the end of the school day or call the office to make an appointment. 

Thank you

Mr Wilmot, Miss Shaw and Mrs Blocksidge