Welcome to Class 4
Year 5 and 6: Mr Wilmot
Termly overviews outline the content that will be covered each half-term, please see below links for the most recent overviews.
Class 4 Curriculum Overview Autumn 1Welcome to Class 4. This is the final class within the school and it is where you will find our Y5 and Y6 superstars.
We follow an exciting curriculum and we endeavour to make our learning engaging, fun and memorable. We foster a love for reading and our class revolves around kindness and support. We are guided by our school REACH values, which are Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, Courage and Hope, and these themes underpin our worship and conduct.
Our Y6 children are encouraged to act as ambassadors for the school and role models for our younger children. They demonstrate this by taking responsibility for their learning and behaviour, showing resilience when things get difficult and respecting all those around them.
In these precious and important last years of their primary school learning journey, the partnership between home and school is crucial; it helps make a positive difference to your child’s academic progress and well-being. We encourage you to support your child as the demands of their school work increase. At pick up, we are always available to answer any questions that you may have and to share the positive events of that day.
We usually have PE on a Tuesday and Friday and the children come to school in their PE kits. In September and October we go to Shrewsbury School for our swimming lessons.
The children will get homework once a week and they hand this on a Thursday. We have a spelling test on a Tuesday; your child will come home with their spellings to learn and we encourage your child to read at least once a week; please contribute to their reading diary as this encourages them to read more and it highlights the home and school link.
Mr Wilmot, Ms Shaw and Mrs Blocksidge are looking forward to working with your child and we are excited for all the wonderful memories and activities we will share over the forthcoming year.